7 Habits Workshop
What is this workshop all about?
This workshop teaches children principles of success. In a word, the 7 habits are “power” – personal power – that give your child confidence and security in themselves. These principles will help your child develop daily personal time-tested habits that are proven for success. Our workshop is simple and powerful and can be used by anyone. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey is used by successful individuals from executives to young children. This workshop is based on The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens, by Sean Covey, Steven Covey’s son. The book is appropriate for teens but many adults find it very useful.
As the 7 habits are learned and applied, they propel your child forward to reach their goals in all aspects of life – academically, socially, or whatever they are striving for. In essence, the habits help students create positive “ways” that will serve them best. Our workshop helps students transfer these 7 habits into their daily lives.
Our approach is four-fold: identify talents and personal vision, create goals, teach the 7 habits and then help children apply them. The habits are applied for any area your child needs – including developing skills for academic success.
Watering the Seed
A child is like the seed of a fruit tree. Their talents and faculties – the fruit – are hidden. We do not see the fully grown tree yet but we know the fruit potential is within.
It really does “take a village” to raise a child. Let the 7 habits be your village.
Managing Distraction
With so much competing for our children’s attention, it’s easy to get distracted. What is your child getting distracted from? Life. Their life – building tools and “making” their purpose and dreams come true – every single day – in some form or fashion. Michelangelo said, “There is no greater harm than wasted time.”
Setting Goals
Children need to develop strong habits for success and create academic goals that bring their purpose into reality. This class will help your child realize their future vision and break it down to a starting point goal – usually academic. An additional aim of reaching this goal is to strengthen a crucial area that may be holding your child back from achieving his or her current potential.
Class time is approximately two-thirds instruction in the habits and one-third hands-on application to suit your child’s current academic or other area of need. For example, if your child struggles with organization, we will help your child create and implement a starting point strategy. There is an additional follow-up workshop – “Seven Habits 2” – available soon that focuses solely on application of the already learned habits. Workshops during the school year are eight weeks long. Students are required to bring their materials – all books and notebooks for school (when in session), writing utensil and 7 Habits book to each class.
Staying on Top of Things
The Back-to-School workshops focus on instructing children in these habits so that they will be able to apply them from the beginning of school. We incorporate strategies and ideas children can use to help them stay on top of their studies and maximize learning. When children have a suitable grasp of direction and purpose, generally they will be more motivated in school, so we spend quality time helping students get in touch with their “personal road-maps”.